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سوال و پاسخ
عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 16, 2008 2:15 am من طرف Admin
با سلام به شما دوست
در این بخش می توانید سوال پرسید.

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قوانين و مقررات انجمن dvb24
عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالإثنين يوليو 28, 2008 5:00 am من طرف Admin
لطفآ اصول 16 گانه استفاده از این سایت را به دقت مطالعه کرده و در حین استفاده رعایت فرمایید:

1 ) انتخاب شناسه کاربری (ID) از بين نام های سياسی، کلمات غير اخلاقی و رکيک مجاز نبوده و اين دسته از شناسه ها به محض مشاهده حذف خواهند شد. لطفا برای شناسه کاربری از حروف (Characters) انگليسی استفاده نماييد. اين امر باعث …

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ثبت يک دامين از بين بهترين اسم پيشنهادي توسط شما - New Domai
عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالإثنين يوليو 28, 2008 4:57 am من طرف Admin
ای نام تو بهترین سر آغاز ×××××××××× بی نام تو نامه کی کنم باز

گرانی پایگاهها و دیتابیس های آنلاین، کامل نبودن فهرست دیتابیس های مورد نیاز دانشجویان و اساتید بویژه در مقاطع تحصیلات تکمیلی در یک دانشگاه یا مرکز تحقیقاتی، تحریم برخی از …

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عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالإثنين يوليو 21, 2008 2:27 am من طرف Admin

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ارتقاء درجه ي کاربران
عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 16, 2008 2:11 am من طرف Admin
در این تاپیک ارتقا درجه کاربران اعلام خواهد شد.

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Your first subject
عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يوليو 15, 2008 10:42 am من طرف Admin
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اذهب الى الأسفل 

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:07 am

عکسهاlnb 03lnb

عکسهاlnb SATE-LNB-KU-2
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تعداد پستها : 774
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عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:07 am

عکسهاlnb 5lnbs
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پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:08 am

عکسهاlnb Gainmaster_LNB_setup_01
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تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:08 am

Channel Master Gain Master Dish LNB Comparison

Looking at the Channel Master Gain Master dish and wondering if your current Dual LNBs will fit in the Gain Master Triple LNB bracket? Chances are they will not fit. The Gain Master dish comes with a 2-piece triple LNB bracket for mounting SAT-A, SAT-B and SAT-C LNBs at the end of the extension beam from the dish. The 2-piece bracket works like a clamp, pinching the three lnbs between the two pieces and tightening them down with fine threaded screws.
For and LNB to fit properly between the pieces, the maximum diameter of shaft below the LNB head must be 1-1/8". Any larger sized LNBs will not fit properly in the bracket and therefore cause the alignment of the LNB and dish surface area to be incorrect. (see picture below for comparison)
عکسهاlnb Gainmaster_lnb_comp
Regular DUAL LNB vs. Gain Master LNB
Another common question we receive about the Gain Master dish is the placement of the LNBs in the 2-piece bracket. There should be (2) Dual LNBs, and (1) SAT-C LNB with a Gain Master Triple LNB Dish Combo. The (2) Dual LNBS are used for both SAT-A and SAT-B.
The placement of the two Dual LNBs in the bracket makes them either A or B, there is no difference in the LNBs themselves. See picture to the right for placement of the LNBs. Make sure to connect the SAT-C Combiner to SAT-C output and the 18V line of SAT-B dual LNB. SAT-C signal (for HD programming) will not pass if this is not connected properly.
See below for pictures of GainMaster LNB parts and configuration.
عکسهاlnb SAT-C_setup
عکسهاlnb Gainmaster_LNB_setup_01
عکسهاlnb Gainmaster_LNB_setup_02
بازگشت به بالاي صفحه اذهب الى الأسفل

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:09 am

عکسهاlnb Single_Ku_band_Lnb

عکسهاlnb Sp
Detailed Single Ku - band Lnb Description Ku Band Universal(9.75GHz / 10.6Ghzo r 10.), single output
LNBF, Dual polarization, adopt the wide band technology, Can receive the signal of frequency range:
10.7 - 12.75GHz, The two L. The Ku LNBF is wide band, high
gain, low noise and resistance of shock
Excellent noise figure Digittal ready
Low phase noise Easy installation
Well designed for weather proof
Input frequency 10. O. frequency 9.75GHz / 10.6GHz( or 10.) can be controlled
by the output signal of 0 / 22KHz or DiSEqC from the receiver, at the same
time switch the polarization by signal of 13 / 18V.7 - 12.75GHz;
Output frequency 950 - 2150MHz
Gain 63dB()
Flatness ±0.5dB / 27MHz
L. O. stability ±300KHz
Noise Figure 0. O. Frequency Low 9.75GHz; High 10.6 or 10.75GHz
L.7 dB
Isolation 25dB()
Image Rejection 50dB()
Parasitical Output -60dB ()
Output Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 2.0:1()
1dB compression point output consumption 0.0dBm ()
Polarization Switch 10.0 - 14.5V(); 16.0V - 24.0V()
Working Voltage 10 - 24V
Working Current 120mA()
Working Temperature -30 - 60
dimension: 50cm x 31cm x23.5cm
PC:0.165kgs / N. W.:9kgs / ctn / G. W. :11kgs / ctn
We are committed to doing our best for you, and welcome inquiries for Single Ku - band Lnb.
عکسهاlnb Sp
Contact information: Inquire

Address:14C1, Dongjiang Building No.3 Zone, Xingcheng, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. China
Company Name:Huntech Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Person:Mr. Charlie Cheng
بازگشت به بالاي صفحه اذهب الى الأسفل

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:10 am

عکسهاlnb LNB%2002
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تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:11 am

عکسهاlnb LNB_Cu_Band

Input Frequency: 3.4-4.2GHz
L.O.Frequency at 25o: 5150 ??MHz
Stability (-30o to +60o): < ??Hz
Output Frequency: 950-1750MHz
Noise Temperature: 17oK
Connersion Gain: 65Db (typ.)
Output VSWR: < 2:1
Output Port Type: F(Female)/750hm
Image Rejection: > 45Db
Phase Noise:
-88dBc # 1KHz
-75dBc # 10KHz
-95dBc # 100KHz
DC Frequirement:
V: 11-14V
H: 16-20V
Current Consumption: 150mA (Typ)/2000mA (max)
Working Temperature: -40o to +60o
Polarity Type: V/H, LHCP/RHCP

Receiving all single and dual polarized C-band satellite signals.
Receiving horizontal and vertical signals
Low-noise performance
Excellent DRO and gain flatness
Qualified for working in harsh environment
بازگشت به بالاي صفحه اذهب الى الأسفل

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:11 am

عکسهاlnb LNBLNBF_ku-Band_single_dual_quadquattromonoblock

MODLE: MIG-K200/210/220/240/250
Input Frequency: Low Band: 10.70~11.70 GHz
High Band: 11.70~12.75 GHz
Output Frequency: Low Band: 950 ~ 1950 MHz
High Band: 1100 ~ 2150 MHz
L.O. Frequency: Low Band: 9.75 GHz
High Band: 10.60 GHz
Noise Figure: Low Band: 0.7 dB (typ.)
High Band: 0.7 dB (typ.)
L.O. Phase Noise: -50 dBc / Hz # 1 KHz
-75 dBc / Hz # 10 KHz
-95 dBc / Hz # 100 KHz
Conversion Gain: 50 dB (min.) 63 dB (max.)
Gain Flantness: ??dB / 26 MHz
Cross Pol. Isolation: 25dB (typ.)
L.O. Frequency Stability: ??MHz (max.) # +25℃
??MHz (max.) # -40℃~+60℃
Image Rejection: 40 dB (min.)
Output VSWR: 2.0 : 1 (max.)
DC Current Consumption: 120 mA (typ.)
Low/High Band Switching: Low Band: 0 kHz
High Band: 22 kHz ??Hz
Polarity Switching Voltage: 10.5 ~ 14.0 V #VP
  16.0 ~20.0 V #HP
Operating Temperature: -40℃ ~ +60℃

iamchangwei_2001 at hotmaildotcom
بازگشت به بالاي صفحه اذهب الى الأسفل

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:12 am

عکسهاlnb Satellite_LNB

Thank you interested in our company
We are company is located in singapore and malaysia
, we are having factory which managing by malaysian and we also have R&D team to support the line of our manufacturing
interested us
please email us
بازگشت به بالاي صفحه اذهب الى الأسفل

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:14 am

عکسهاlnb 800px-LNB_dissassembled

عکسهاlnb Universal_KU_Band_LNB_GT_PFS40
بازگشت به بالاي صفحه اذهب الى الأسفل

تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:14 am

LNB Information Page

Satellite LNB LNBF Terms & Info Page
A brief discussion of Satellite TVRO LNB terms and uses for C Band and Ku Band Satellite Signals.
LNB stands for Low Noise Block downconverter. Early Satellite systems used what was called a LNA or Low Noise Amplifier and no conversion was done in the LNA.
Ku Types
"DBS" LNB works from 11.7 - 12.5 GHz. Has a 10.75 GHz local oscillator (LO) and is used with a receiver having a .95 - 1.75 GHz tuner. We currently sell these with a noise temperature down to .5 dB. This type of LNB will need a polarizer to change polarity.Here is a picture of a typical DBS LNB:
عکسهاlnb Pmv_lnb_ku5_2
"STANDARD" LNB has a 10 GHz LO and works for one band only. Normally has a feed horn assembly built onto the LNB. This LNBs polarization switching is done by a DC voltage on the coax - 12.5 to 14.5 volts gives vertical and 15.5 to 18 volts gives horizontal.
"UNIVERSAL" LNB works in two bands, 10.8 to 11.8 GHz and 11.6 to 12.7 GHz while having LOs of 9.75 and 10.60 GHz. Band switching is done via a 22 KHz tone sent from the satellite receiver. With the tone on the LO is 10.6 GHz, otherwise it is 9.75 GHz. Polarization is controlled the same as in the "STANDARD" LNB.
"ENHANCED" LNB works from 10.7 to 11.7 GHz and has a 9.75 GHz LO. These were designed for the Astra satellites and have a built in feed assembly. Polarization is controlled the same as the "STANDARD" LNB. Br>
"C BAND" - Here is a picture of one type of C-Band LNB that we sell. We won't get into C Band LOs since most current consumer models are the same for all practical purposes. One caveat on LNBs - spending more money isn't the way to get a better LNB. We have used a vast number of LNBs from many different companies over the last 20 years and most of today's LNBs are basicly of the same engineering and design. Claims of a high suggested retail price, best of the market, and other snake oil pitches are like asking a Chevy salesman what he thinks of Fords. Fall for the pitch and your wallet will suffer, but your satellite won't work any better. There are certain specific applications that require a "High Stability" type LO, but again unless your application demands it, most of the current ones are fine. 4DTV and MPEG-2 receivers get along just fine with the normal LNB.
Here is a typical C Band LNB that we sell...
عکسهاlnb Lnb15_1
LO stands for local oscillator and the function of the LNB is to reduce the frequency of the satellite signal to a signal your satellite receiver can acutally tune. This is done by subtracting the LO frequency from the satellite frequency. Different LOs give different frequency ranges.
Lets assume for example that you are receiving a satellite signal on a frequency of 12 GHz. For your receiver to work, this signal must be converted to something usable. Let pretend you have a DBS LNB...
12 GHz minus 10.75 GHz gives a frequency of 1.25 GHz (or 1250 MHz). Since most receivers have a tuning range of about .950 to 1.450 GHz or more (950 to 1450 MHZ), this is usable and within the tuning range of the receiver.
SIMPLE ? You bet !
Whats this 22 KHz stuff ?
The UNIVERSAL LNB noted above can switch bands, one high - one low. How this is done is by sending a tone to the LNB. The tone frequency is 22 KHz. When the LNB hears the tone it switches to the high range. Without the tone, the LNB is switched to the low range. Simple! Most receivers of modern vintage are including this tone function built in. A seperate tone box is available for those receivers that do not have it.
Expanding on this idea, one can also do other things. For example, we sell switches that use this tone. Say you have one receiver, but two dishes. Now, you could run two lines, use a manual switch box or manually hook and unhook the coax, etc. Save some time with a 22 KHz switch. Place the switch out by your dishes, run one coax, and run the coax from each LNB to the switch. When the switch either hears or doesn't hear the tone, it is going to switch coaxes.
DiSEqC is a more expanded concept of this switching arrangement. DiSEqC stands for Digital Satellite Equipment Control. Through various level of the DiSEqC versions one can switch LNBs, move dishes, etc.
عکسهاlnb Astrotel_lnb The Astrotel 15 Degree C Band LNB Has Excellent Specs:

  • 65 db gain
  • +/- 1.0 MHz stability from -5C to +30C
  • Superb gain flatness of +/- .5 - 36MHz at receiving channel
  • Minimal LO leakage of -40dBm
  • Image rejection 40dB
  • Excellent 110 dBc@ 100KHz phase noise reduction
  • Operating temperature range -40 to +158 F
  • Frequency input 3.7 to 4.2 GHz
  • Frequency output 950 to 1450 MHz
  • Local oscillator frequency is 5.15 Ghz (5150 MHz)

We have been selling satellite equipment since 1981 and are so pleased with this brand of equipment we use it on all our C-Band dishes. We are so confident in the Astrotel LNB that we give you a no hassle exchange warranty for a full 3 years. Buy with confidence and buy the best!
Need more information on C & Ku Band equipment, please contact us.

[b]Search Site

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تعداد پستها : 774
Registration date : 2008-07-15

عکسهاlnb Empty
پستعنوان: رد: عکسهاlnb   عکسهاlnb Icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 10, 2008 1:15 am

عکسهاlnb Digital_Satellite_TV_LNB

عکسهاlnb Sp
Detailed Digital Satellite TV LNB Description

a) Frequency range 3.4 - 4.2GHz
b) L. O. frequency stability: ±1. O. frequency: 5.15GHz
c) L.0MHz @ 25oC
d) Output frequency
Our Digital Satellite TV LNB comply with International Quality Standards and their quality and durability are fully guranteed.
عکسهاlnb Sp
Contact information:


Address:1 Tongqing Road, Longyou Industrial Development Zone, Linjiang Area, Longyou County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province. China
Company Name:Longyou Tongqing Electronics Co., Ltd.
Contact Person:Zhixiang Xu
Mobile Phone:86-13906700539
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